Our quality guarantee

PromoCards produces exclusive advertising materials according to your wishes and best quality.

Brilliant color printing

With the finest details produced in high-quality 4c-UV offset printing, scales, colors and photographs are perfectly displayed. There is no additional cost for layouts with multiple colors.

Highly polished

A double-sided and high-gloss protective foil makes our rulers particularly durable and protect the imprint ideally against scratches – much better than conventional UV lacquering. Due to the mirror-smooth surfaces, the rulers also look particularly classy in look and feel.

Maximum design area

With double-sided printing, our advertising panels offer the double advertising space. For this purpose, both sides can be printed all the way to the edge.

Scales of your choice

On our rulers can be placed up to 4 scales with different scales of your choice. We can provide matching scales free of charge as a service.

Layout service

Our graphics studio will be pleased to provide you with an attractive rissal-line design according to your wishes. This way, you get a professional result quickly and uncomplicatedly.
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